Registration as per the requirement of the regulations regarding extended producer responsibility (2020) for the Paper, Packaging and some Single Use Products sector, the Lighting sector and the Electrical and Electronic Equipment sector.
Registration of Producers
- All existing producers of products, at the time these regulations come into effect, must register with the department within six months of the publication of the Government Notice in the Government Gazette in terms of Section 18(1) of the Act by completing the prescribed form obtainable from the department.
- All new producers of products, who commence after these regulations come into effect, must register with the department by completing the prescribed form obtainable from the department within three months of being established.
- The department must consider all producer registration application forms and issue a registration number for each producer that has submitted such a form, within 30 days of receipt of a form in which all sections are correctly completed.
To register with SAWIC as a Producer, please click on the link below:
NOTE: In the input field “Select the person or category of persons” select “Producer”.