EPR Fees
- Fee structure was submitted to DFFE for review and concurrence
- Fee is publicly available on the PRO’s website
- Administration cost limited to: Salaries, overhead costs (rent & utilities), and information technology and system costs as stipulated over the next three years in the regulations
- Weight of identified product
- Ease of recyclability
- Current demand for the material for recycling purposes
- Costs for establishing a collection system for the identified products
- Collection, transport, storage and treatment costs for separately collected waste.
- Administrative costs
- Costs for public communication and awareness raising
- Costs for appropriate surveillance of the system
- Less revenue from recycled material sales
Waste Products Covered
All wind energy EEE equipment, including masts, blades, etc.
All solar energy equipment, including all electrical and electronic components such as inverter, wiring, transformers etc.
All energy storage batteries, including all electrical and electronic components such as inverters, wiring etc.
All electric/hybrid vehicle batteries, including all electrical and electronic components, wiring etc.
Any other electrical and electronic generation equipment.
All other electrical and electronic equipment